
A beautiful December afternoon in peaceful pre-Christmas atmosphere, including intense visual and musical emotions about Dalla, took place yesterday with the Brothers and their guests from the Sorrentine Peninsula, at the majestic hall of the Brotherhood of the SS. Rosario of Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi, during the screening of the latest TV version (54’, with English subtitles) of the documentary film by Raffaele Lauro, “Lucio Dalla and Sorrento - Places of the Soul”, with the participation of Mayor of Massa Lubrense, Lorenzo Balducelli, of Deputy Mayor, Giovanna Staiano, of Councillor for Communication and Transparency, Lello Acone, and Donato Iaccarino from Pro Loco Due Golfi, the organizer of the “Salvatore Di Giacomo” Award. In the introduction, Prior Giulio Iaccarino wanted to highlight the strong bond of Lauro, his philosophy professor from high school, with Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi, in continuity with the tradition of his parents. Then he paid a public tribute to the writer-director, the honorary brother, with expressions of great appreciation for his entire narrative work, and for the last two novels on Dalla about the relationship of the great artist from Bologna with Sorrento and with San Martino Valle Caudina. As well as the documentary film, which received critical acclaim and applauses in Italy and abroad. Literary critic Riccardo Piroddi efficiently presented the plot of the documentary film, which derives from the biographical novel, focusing on the extremely successful connection between the images of Sorrentine places, the absorbing narration of the author and the refined soundtrack, a balanced and impressive choice of ancient Sorrentine melodies and arias by Puccini: “A valuable artistic synthesis that overwhelms the audience emotionally from start to finish.” The confirmation came shortly after, at the end of the projection, with the emotional reaction of the public in Sant’Agata, who wanted to express their satisfaction to Lauro. Lauro thanked the organizers, the speakers and all those who were present for the great event with words of great esteem. He thanked the community leaders, starting from the mayor, and reminded everyone about the event of 12th December at the Town Hall of Massa Lubrense, sponsored by the Municipal Administration, on the occasion of the presentation of a book by Anna Maria Gargiulo, “Maria, Mia Misericordia” (Mary, my Mercy): “You breathe – said Lauro – the new, more open, less provincial and less scabby air of the past, and in Sant’Agata and Massa Lubrense: the air of respect for culture, as the fruit of human civilization and as the heritage to spend with the guests and to offer to the tourists. In the tragic times, in which we live, because of religious terrorism of fundamentalist provenance, this vision comforts us and gives us hope for the future of the community.” Mayor Balducelli recalled how “the personality of Lauro has long ago overstepped the boundaries of our peninsula” and wanted to thank him, in particular, for the first novel of “The Sorrentine Trilogy”, i.e. “Sorrento The Romance - The conflict between Christianity and Islam in the sixteenth century”: “I read this historical novel with great interest and with great care, absorbing in full from the compelling pages the terrible tragedy experienced by the people of Massa on 13th June 1558: a tragedy that we should never forget and the memory of which we have to be able to pass on properly to our children and to the younger generation of Massa. That work, so significant for us, made me think about our city’s history and was an ideal support for me at the time of assuming the delicate responsibility of administrative guidance of Massa Lubrense. I am really grateful for this.” The Prior, before the exchange of greetings and the final toast, wanted to donate for the first time and as a sign of gratitude for the writer-brother, a great rosary with sacred effigies of Our Lady of Grace and St. Agatha, which will be worn in the future by the confrères in a procession, on hooded white robe, thus restoring the ancient rite of the Brotherhood.
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