The second version of the famous painting by Henri Matisse, “La Danse” (1910, oil on canvas, 260x391 cm), kept at the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, inspired the cover of the new book on the art of Terpsichore, signed by Raffaele Lauro and Riccardo Piroddi, entitled: “Dance The Love - A Star in Vico Equense. Interviews - Testimonies”. The publication, to be released next December in both Italian and English, in eBook format, gathers all the interviews and testimonies of the protagonists of cultural events organised for the presentation of the third novel of “The Sorrentine Trilogy” by Raffaele Lauro, “Dance The Love - A Star in Vico Equense”, dedicated to the great Russian dancer, Violetta Elvin, born Prokhorova. The masterpiece by Matisse was commissioned by Sergei Shchukin, a great Russian collector of art, who bought works created by the French painter on a regular basis. The cover, designed by Teresa Biagioli for GoldenGate Edizioni, includes also a comment by Matisse on his painting dominated by three colours (blue, red and green): “My aim is to represent balanced and pure art, an art that is not restless or upset. I wish that the tired, overworked and exhausted man finds in front of my paintings peace and tranquillity.” The eBook will not be put on sale, but sent as a Christmas gift of 2016 to friends, to the English admirers of Violetta Elvin, and to those who request it (segreteria.lauro@gmail.com).