
An e-Book entitled “Dance The Love - A Star in Vico Equense. Interviews - Testimonies”, signed by Raffaele Lauro and Riccardo Piroddi, was sent by the authors as a Christmas gift and is available to download for free in the home pages of (www.raffaelelauro.it - www.riccardopiroddi.it). The publication (509 pages in Italian and English, with the Henri Matisse painting, “Dance II”, 1910, oil on canvas, 260x391cm, The Hermitage Museum of St. Petersburg, on its cover), gathers in the first part the interviews given by Raffaele Lauro to Vincenzo Califano, Riccardo Piroddi, Leonilde Zuccari, Ciriaco Viggiano, Carlo Alfaro, Giuseppe D’Esposito, Antonino Siniscalchi and Francesco Di Maio on the third and final novel of “The Sorrentine Trilogy”, and in the second part, the integral summaries of cultural events-presentations of the novel from July to November 2016, from Vico Equense (27 July) to Presenzano (19 November). The speeches by Carlo Alfaro, Francesca Attanasio, Cesare Azan, Lorenzo Balducelli, Biancamaria Balzano, Angela Barba, Francesco Bello, Giuseppe Bocchino, Andrea Buonocore, Angie Cafiero, Floriana Cafiero, Vincenzo Califano, Carmela Cilento, Marisa Cimmino, Carla Coppola, Marisa Costagliola, Giuseppe Cuomo, Maria Teresa De Angelis, Emilia D’Esposito, Fabrizio d’Esposito, Nadia Di Leva, Nicola Di Martino, Violetta Elvin, Salvatore Ferraro, Luigia Forgione, Donato Iaccarino, Livia Iaccarino, Vincenzo Iaccarino, Raffaele Lauro, Andrea Maccarelli, Patrizia Marotta, Antonio Migliozzi, Michele Napoletano, Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo, Antonino Pane, Matteo Piantedosi, Riccardo Piroddi, Pasquale Pisano, Ciro Posabella, Gianni Raviele, Golda Russo, Rosa Russo, Paola Savarese, Patty Schisa, Antonino Siniscalchi, Giovanna Staiano, Giuseppe Tito and Ciriaco Viggiano have been gathered and lined up by Riccardo Piroddi. “This precious publication - said Lauro - offered as a tribute, as a Christmas gift, following the spirit of the work, a hymn to love and to life, is a collective good wish tribute to the protagonist of the novel, the great Russian dancer Violetta Elvin, born Prokhorova, and expresses also a due thanks for their crucial contribution to the organisers, the hosts, the speakers, the journalists, the supporters and the wonderful and always present public.”

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